Friday, 14 March 2014

Kristi Sprinkles

As some of you know, I used to be a blogger... I mean, like, a real blogger. I had something like 2,000 visitors a day. In fact, you only had to search "TG Captions" and my name would come out on top.

That was back in the day, before every Tammy, Didi and Jane had their own caption blog. Now I'm stuck at the bottom of the heap, in my worn out mini-dress and scuffed up heels, begging for every pair of passing eyeballs.

Was it all for the best? Have I learned some valuable lessons about life and transience? Have I made a real impact, one that I cannot possibly ever know, but is real nonetheless? Does anyone even care?

I lost a good number of my older caps, mostly from my middle period. I have managed to track down only a few, and some that I found are better off lost. That surprises me a bit: I always thought that everything I wrote was golden. I mean, it felt like it at the time.

Perhaps I am learning just how much I have changed, that my writing has grown and developed. Perhaps I have a better understanding of composition and style.Perhaps I can appreciate this more now than I otherwise would have. Perhaps I have learned about arrogance and delusion.

Or perhaps not.

I am attaching one of my favorite captions of all time, and I was so very happy to find it, lurking in the dark corners of the Internet. It brings back a lot fond memories when I was on the peak of my prowess and the comments were many and compelling.

I remember this one girl who was just so talented and smart, and unbelievably cute. Her name was "subtly amiss" which I still love. Where she has gone, who the heck knows? Where do any of us go? Where the heck are we?

Anyway, enjoy the cap, and let me know if it brings back any memories for you...


  1. While I have not seen this particular cap, I am a long-time lurker and have enjoyed many of your caps, especially those that have gradual mental alterations of the subject.

    I have a small collection of your caps, mostly from between 2008 and 2009, and have uploaded them in a compressed RAR file to Zippyshare for your records, just in case you may be interested in recovering some of them:

    Thanks for continuing to share your artistry with us!

  2. Thank you for sharing! It just so happens that I have that same little collection from my early years -- it's all of those (well, mostly all) from the middle onwards that have disappeared into to stratosphere. But I really do appreciate it, nonetheless.

    It is also nice to hear from a nice little lurker. It really, really does. So many of you just pass through willy-nilly, and for every one of you who steps up, it makes me the of several more who are silently watching and following... I like that.

    It is a pleasure for me to share, and a privilege to receive your thoughtful attention. Please keep watching!
