Thursday, 10 July 2014

Please help!

I have never done this before, but I am posting a caption to which I have absolutely zero ownership. I think it is phenomenally hot, but I have no idea who the writer is!

If it is you, or someone you know, then please please please let me know!

Hey, feel free to share with me, and all of us, any other discoveries that might be of interest.


  1. I think it might be from obedientsissybimbo on imagefap.

  2. Thank you for sharing! Truly a fine captioness who makes me writhe with envy.

    1. Hi Brenda,

      Sorry I've not commented sooner but you shouldn't have alerted me to obedientsissybimbo; I've been checking out her imagefap site and it's been very distracting.

      When I get to read work of that quality it's equal parts dismaying and delightful, dismay that my own efforts look so poor and delight in the pleasure that her's brings.

      I've a weakness for confectionery based cations and here we've got so many wonderful flavours that I'd never even thought of. Great stuff!

  3. I totally know what you mean, Samantha. It's so wrong, but my second reaction when I see such marvellous work (the first should be obvious) is bitter, bitter jealousy.

    But to hear you say something to similar effect, of course I think: Samantha is such a talented writer in her own right; really, there is no comparison, and she has absolutely nothing to feel dismayed about.

    Anyway, this really was a wonderful find (thank you again, Anonymous) and I am more than thrilled to have helped share it. I hope that OSB is reading all this, smiling, and planning her comeback.

    (I have been remiss in commented on your own brilliant blog, and your differently excellent Tumble account - kudos to you, and shame on me)

  4. Dang, I love this cap so much -- it's perfect!

  5. Aw man, it's gone! Anyone save a copy?

  6. Aw man, it's gone! Anyone save a copy?
